The Teamwork Companies

Professional Lead Testing & RRP Services

Fast Turnaround Time
Cleveland Lead Paint Safe Certificate
Licensed Contractors

Get a FREE Quote For Your
Lead Certification Today!

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+1 (440) 999-WORK


Quick Service Delivery

Our company offers quick and efficient testing services to fit your needs. With our dedicated staff, we can schedule your appointment and provide test results within a matter of days, or even the same day in some cases.

We understand the importance of receiving your certificate promptly, that's why we also offer RUSH services. Our range of tests provide you with immediate results on-site or in a few days. Our results are accurate and we guarantee our work.

Expert Lead Safety Inspectors

As of 2021, the City of Cleveland has implemented a new rule mandating that all rental properties built before 1978 must be certified as Lead Safe every two years. Property owners must obtain a Lead Safe Certificate from a State of Ohio licensed Lead Assessor. Furthermore, a valid certificate is a prerequisite for obtaining eviction relief in Cleveland Municipal Court. Find out more about the Lead Safe Program by clicking here.

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